Народ немножко прифигел и не может выбрать за что голосовать:
[ ] Impossible Shining Horror: The embodiment of Ulyssian's relentless will to power. An unreachable and unparalleled prowess that defies the cosmic limits of Creation and yields an impossible power. The Infernal's dice cap is increased to (Attribute + Ability + Essence) for all purposes. Theme: Self-Improvement.
[ ] Infernal Sovereignty: The Ebon Dragon leads, and Malfeas rules. Such is the order of the Hells. Together they represent all the aspects of victory. Genius. Resolve. Prowess. Treachery. Power. He who encompasses them both, who becomes the Emperor Wyrm, the Dragon of Brass and Fire - who can challenge such inchoate majesty? The character's Ebon Dragon and Malfeas Excellencies merge, with the following restrictions removed: Malfeas' ban on intentional subtlety, TED's ban on honesty and overt action, TED's ban on altruistic actions, and any mutually contradictory restrictions. This frees up a number of Charm purchases equal to his (Essence), as he no longer needs two Excellencies. He may benefit from the Mythos Exultant of both Yozis simultaneously, as well as manifest two Form-Type Charms, including Shintai, at once.
He may also ignore the Charisma penalty of Witness to Darkness if he acts in a manner fully accordant with the original Malfeas Excellency, and may temporarily suppress Crowned With Fury if he acts fully consistent with the original Ebon Dragon Excellency. Theme: Zao.
[ ] Hypermote: From the wellspring of unbreakable will springs inexhaustible might. The character may no longer learn the Charm Sun-Heart Furnace Soul; the brilliance of his will exceeds mere suns. Each round the character receives a hypermote in addition to his base Essence regeneration; when spent, this mote covers the entire cost of any single Charm. If an effect which requires committed essence is paid for in this manner, the hypermote is committed. Theme: Will.
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