Episode 7 actually shown that even if SnW remain slice of life anime it would be great anime. What make slice of life? Three things:
1. Characters
2. Setting
3. Theme
And in that Sora no Woto would be one of the best examples. Characters may be stereotypical, but pretty good overall and they grow from they stereotypes to something more. Setting was interesting from the start with it's post-apocalyptic feel - as some people say "Fallout: the anime". And now episode 7 solidified SnW theme of survival in war and post-war society - maybe problems character face look like a small problems, but in reality they are not small at all. It one thing when teen girls go to school in the middle of peaceful country with good medicine and good prospects for future and entirely other thing when it's middle of nowhere underpaid (if at all) army, with not enough medicine, absent doctors and very real perspective to be sent on front line if shooting will start again. Even small problems are bigger in that situation and SnW many times shown that many problems girl face are not exactly small. Or in cases, like Kanata's some Malaria/Roseolla strand and Filicia PTSD, pretty damn BIG! It's not cute girls doing cute things, it's girls trying to survive in harsh world and this show much closer to "The Third: Girl with blue eye(s)" (which for me was pretty much another post-apoc slice of life) than K-On, Aria or Sora no Manimani.
PS. Нет, я не смог это написать по русски.