Дани Даркблейд, вредный полугоблин (ака Ал103)
Для некоторых сомневающихся:
Xenos Horrificus
Although all aliens are - officially - viewed as anathema by the Imperium, some are tolerated to a lesser degree. Such races tend to be primitive in technology and culture or constrained to a backwater planet far from Imperium space. In many parts of the Imperium contact with alien races is not uncommon, and on some frontier worlds trading with aliens is a fact of life. Such dealings are usually overlooked by the authorities and would certainly not warrant censureship or intervention. Other races, however, represent such a threat to humanity that the Ordo Xenos brand them with a stigma, the Xenos Horrificus, marking them as highpriority targets who must be hunted down and purged at every opportunity. The brand does not merely apply to the xenos themselves, but also to any who have dealings with them. More than one rogue trader has been branded with the Xenos Horrificus, marking him out as an enemy of the Ordo Xenos, the Deathwatch, and mankind itself. (C) Dark Heresy
Отличнейший пример как внешней, так и внутреней политики. Есть чужаки, чужаки и чужаки. За торговлю и общение с одними даже обычного имперца не тронут пока он налоги платит, вторые это дело Инквизиторов, Вольных Торговцев и других людей с Бумагой... за саму мысль об возможности общения с третьими сожгут кого угодно и будут правы.
Xenos Horrificus
Although all aliens are - officially - viewed as anathema by the Imperium, some are tolerated to a lesser degree. Such races tend to be primitive in technology and culture or constrained to a backwater planet far from Imperium space. In many parts of the Imperium contact with alien races is not uncommon, and on some frontier worlds trading with aliens is a fact of life. Such dealings are usually overlooked by the authorities and would certainly not warrant censureship or intervention. Other races, however, represent such a threat to humanity that the Ordo Xenos brand them with a stigma, the Xenos Horrificus, marking them as highpriority targets who must be hunted down and purged at every opportunity. The brand does not merely apply to the xenos themselves, but also to any who have dealings with them. More than one rogue trader has been branded with the Xenos Horrificus, marking him out as an enemy of the Ordo Xenos, the Deathwatch, and mankind itself. (C) Dark Heresy
Отличнейший пример как внешней, так и внутреней политики. Есть чужаки, чужаки и чужаки. За торговлю и общение с одними даже обычного имперца не тронут пока он налоги платит, вторые это дело Инквизиторов, Вольных Торговцев и других людей с Бумагой... за саму мысль об возможности общения с третьими сожгут кого угодно и будут правы.